Saori Ishimaru
A Survey on the Therapeutic Indications of Glycerites
The aim of this study was to find out the therapeutic indications of glycerites in herbal medicine, which is based on the author’s belief that glycerites are not only an alternative to an alcohol-based tincture but have different therapeutic qualities and energetic properties to treat certain conditions. Glycerites have been indicated in conventional medicine and commercially promoted as an alcohol-free herbal supplement, but are not predominantly used in herbal medicine. Firstly, a systemic literature review was carried out using herbal books and search engines via the Internet. Secondly, a pilot study using an open-questioned interview with twelve medical herbalists was undertaken to design the main survey. Finally, a questionnaire was sent out by e-mail to fifty medical herbalists registered with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH), asking about the current use of glycerites: a list of glycerites; their therapeutic indications; specific reasons for use; energetic qualities of glycerites and glycerine; and formulation of glycerites. Final response rate of the questionnaire was 52%. The outcome was analysed qualitatively by coding and categorising. Findings for the therapeutic indications of glycerites for certain conditions mainly involve the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory systems. The internal and external usages; reasons and concerns of applying glycerites (with regards to efficacy, consistency, preservation, availability, taste, needs and alcohol/sugar sensitivities); energetic elements and formulation of glycerites were also discussed. In conclusion, it is not feasible at this time to propose any particular therapeutic indications of glycerites from the outcome of this survey. However, information was gained in relation to the benefits and potential risks of using glycerites to aid herbalists’ choices for the benefit of their patients’ health.