Materia Medica
The Holistic Therapeutic Uses and Energetic Properties of Nelumbo nucifera
An investigative study into Lamium album L
Lathyrus linifolius (Bitter vetch) Scotlands Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice)?
Investigation into the Medicinal Uses of Balsam Fir, Abies balsamea (Linn)
Can Rosmarinus officinalis be used to help facilitate the Grieving Process?
Medicinal Uses of Comfrey (Symphytum species) Past, Present and Future
Should the different parts of the birch tree be ascribed equivalent therapeutic actions?
Forgotten Uses of Vervain: Traditional Practice in Britain
The Therapeutic Properties of Calluna vulgaris - A Qualitive Controlled Goethean Trial
A Review of the Medicinal Properties and Botany of Ligusticum levisticum and Ligusticum scoticum
Who is Artemisia vulgaris? Endeavourng to decipher the Energetic Essence of the plant
The Energetics of Anemone pulsatilla and what this can bring to Herbal Medicine