Kara Melchizedek
Synergy and interaction in a herbal mix - purely a matter of pharmacology?
The aims of this research project are to investigate synergies and interaction in an herbal preparation from a pharmacological perspective and a more macroscopic one. This means that I will be discussing synergies and interactions between constituents within a single plant and also between different plants when they are combined. Furthermore, I will be highlighting factors contributing to this synergistic effect, which we observe when prescribing an herbal remedy combination. This includes consideration for energetic prescribing, the consciousness or inner being of the plant, our own power of intent and the role of ritual and synergies within the practitioner-patient-plant triangle. All these aspects form the macrocosm of a prescription of an herbal medicine. I intend to show that there is much more to the concept of synergy in herbal medicine than just pharmacology and polypharmacy.