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Research Links
Just a few to get started with - if you have good ones, e-mail them to us at Most of these links were found with Northern Lights, a very good search engine for scientific-type info.
Scientific sites:
- Henrietta's Herbal Home Page
- Entrez-Pubmed (search for papers in medical journals)
Other more general sites:
- US general gateway
- UK general gateway
- Lists of patient groups
- Online surgery
- Support network for rare diseases
- Stats on infectious diseases
- Herbal Info Center
- Comprehensive environmental resource
- Drimlabarra Herb Farm
- John Hyslop Spiritual Counselling
Materia Medica:
- Phytochemical and Ethnobotany Databases
- Botanical (contains Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs)
- 'Herb Research Foundation' (science-based information on the health benefits and safety of herbs).
Complementary Medicine Databases:
- ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) Databases
- Datadiwan (provides holistic and research link information worldwide)
- HERBMED (links to scientific evidence for use of herbs for health)
- Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital